ct scan

Lung Cancer Screening: What Is A Low Dose CT Scan?

In order to better detect the early development of lung cancer, many radiology centers offer traditional CT scan screenings of the chest. Low-dose CT scans for lung cancer screening are a technique specifically recommended for detecting lung cancer in certain types of patients - traditionally those that are high-risk. A high-risk smoker is classified as people age 55 to 80 who have a 30 “pack year” smoking history. 

What's The Difference Between CT And MRI?

Often times, patients ask us “What’s the difference between a CT scan and an MRI Scan?” These scans can seem pretty similar at first glance, but in reality, they are vastly different in the tasks that they perform and their functionality. We’re here to help clear the air and educate patients about the key differences between CT scans and MRI scans.

Coping With Scanxiety: How To Prevent Claustrophobia

 “Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has an irrational feat of having no escape or being closed in.“ When a person experiences this they may also suffer a panic attack which results in accelerated heart rate, sweating, and nausea. Because so many patients suffer with intense scanxiety, we wanted to compile a list of helpful advice that has soothed our patients in the past. So, here are the top 9 tips our team suggests to calm your fears:

ACR: Why You Should Go To Imaging Centers With The Golden Seal of Approval

Having accredited over 38,000 within 10 different modalities, the ACR strives to continually raise the bar when it comes to patients. In fact, the ACR cares so much about patients that it has an entire commission focused on providing quality patient experiences within imaging. So, what is ACR accreditation? 

CT Scan Explained: Duration, Radiation Exposure, & More

CT scans help our radiologists at BICRAD determine a diagnosis for certain types of injuries by utilizing X-rays to provide details inside a patient’s body. Learn more about CT scan duration, radiation exposure, and more.