
Football Season & CTE: Radiology's Vital Role In Diagnosing Head Injuries

Who doesn’t love football season? Whether it’s college football or the NFL, football season is the time to ignite rivalries and join a fantasy football team. Unfortunately, football injuries can ruin a team’s chances for a winning season and have lifelong effects on the athlete.

What's The Difference Between CT And MRI?

Often times, patients ask us “What’s the difference between a CT scan and an MRI Scan?” These scans can seem pretty similar at first glance, but in reality, they are vastly different in the tasks that they perform and their functionality. We’re here to help clear the air and educate patients about the key differences between CT scans and MRI scans.

Coping With Scanxiety: How To Prevent Claustrophobia

 “Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has an irrational feat of having no escape or being closed in.“ When a person experiences this they may also suffer a panic attack which results in accelerated heart rate, sweating, and nausea. Because so many patients suffer with intense scanxiety, we wanted to compile a list of helpful advice that has soothed our patients in the past. So, here are the top 9 tips our team suggests to calm your fears:

What To Expect From A Closed-Bore MRI

Most people have some idea what an MRI is, but not everyone has undergone an MRI exam before. If you have an MRI scheduled in the future for the first time, or if you’re just curious, then you will mostly likely want to know what you should expect to happen. So, for those of you undergoing a closed-bore MRI, here is some information that will help you understand what is going to happen.

Fall In Love With MRI Through Cinemavision

MRI’s are an important imaging test that can be used for diagnostic purposes, but this scan can trigger scanxiety in patients. Whether it’s your first time or you suffer from claustrophobia, MRI’s can be intimidating. At Bay Imaging Consultants, patient comfort is our biggest priority when performing any medical test. To ensure our patients have the best imaging experience, we now offer Cinemavision to patients undergoing MRI procedures.

Radiology and Child Safety: Steps Professionals Take To Protect Your Child

Radiology is an invaluable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of many different injuries, diseases, and conditions; however, some people get nervous about radiology imaging tests because of the exposure to radiation. When a child suffers an injury and needs a CT scan or an MRI, parents may feel nervous. They rightfully do not want their children to suffer from radiation-related side effects, so let’s take a look at the safety measures that radiologists take to protect your children during imaging tests.

Is It Safe For My Child To Get An MRI?

As the parent of a child needing an MRI, you likely have endless questions and thoughts racing through your mind. These situations often involve a lot of stress and concerns about many things. Of course, the number one concern is usually your child’s safety. Because of that, a common question in parents’ minds regards concerns about whether the MRI itself is safe for the child.

Imaging Quality Matters: Don’t Compromise Your Health

Why does superior imaging matter? Our imaging center, Magnetic Imaging Affiliates, is equipped with two top quality MRI scanners which enable our center to see more patients without sacrificing quality results. Not only are our radiologists sub-specialized, but they are reading scans that are exponentially clearer than scans produced from other MRI scanners.

MRI Frequently Asked Questions Uncovered

It’s important to stay updated and have a firm grasp on MRIs which is why we created a blog to explain some of the frequently asked questions about these seemingly popular scans. After all, it’s never too soon to be prepared or simply informed about commonplace procedures.