Dangers of Vaping: Surprising Lung Effects You Need To Know About

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In the past few years, e-cigarettes have become increasingly more popular as an alternative to smoking. Many people attempt to quit smoking by switching to “vaping” as a seemingly safer option. Unfortunately, e-cigarettes can still pose risks to your health. Below, we will discuss some surprising side-effects of vaping that can be harmful to your wellbeing. 

What is an e-cigarette?

E-cigarettes are the shortened term for electronic cigarettes. These devices can also be called vape pens or vaping pens. 

Are e-cigs safe?

While many types of e-cigarettes have fewer toxins than traditional cigarettes, they are still not considered safe. There is also a discrepancy between e-cigarette devices and liquid concentrates that are obtained on the black market or from unregulated places where safeguards do not exist. There has been an outbreak of lung issues associated with people who use these types of unregulated e-cigarettes.

Dangers of Vaping 

There are a number of dangers associated with using e-cigarettes, which is why the Centers for Disease Control have issued warnings about using them. Here are just a few common risks associated with them:

  • We don’t know exactly what is in them. One of the main issues with e-cigs is that we don’t exactly know what is in them, especially if we don’t know where they are manufactured. 

  • They are just as addictive as cigarettes. It’s a common misconception associated with e-cigarettes that they are not as addictive as cigarettes. In some cases, if people are using extra-strength concentrate, e-cigarette concentrate can even have more nicotine than traditional cigarettes. 

  • They won’t help you kick your smoking habit. Most people who use e-cigarettes to quit smoking actually continue smoking. If you are trying to quit, most doctors would suggest another alternative to help you quit. 

  • E-cigs are making smoking more available to youth. In recent years there has been a huge increase in kids and teens vaping for a number of reasons. First, many teens might think that vaping is less harmful than smoking. Next, e-cigarettes are often cheaper than regular cigarettes. Lastly, e-cigarette cartridges can be found with flavorings targeted at younger users such as cotton candy, strawberry, or bubble gum. 

Simah’s Story

E-cigarettes can wreak havoc on your lungs. If you smoke e-cigarettes you may be at risk of developing lung issues or even lung cancer. Talk to your doctor or radiologist today to learn more about your risk for lung issues as a result of vaping.