CT lung cancer screening

The Importance Of Lung Cancer Screening

Although lung cancer is a very deadly disease, lung cancer death rates are dropping due to early detection, education, and lifestyle changes. November is Lung Cancer Awareness month, so we’re educating patients about this dangerous condition and raising awareness about the important role that lung cancer screening plays in prevention!

Lung Cancer Screening: What Is A Low Dose CT Scan?

In order to better detect the early development of lung cancer, many radiology centers offer traditional CT scan screenings of the chest. Low-dose CT scans for lung cancer screening are a technique specifically recommended for detecting lung cancer in certain types of patients - traditionally those that are high-risk. A high-risk smoker is classified as people age 55 to 80 who have a 30 “pack year” smoking history. 

CT Lung Cancer Screening: What Is It & Who Is Eligible?

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a month dedicated toward raising awareness about the disease that is the #1 killer of men and women across the country. In this article, we will focus on a very important form of lung cancer screening—CT lung cancer screening—and discuss how lung cancer screening is making strides in preventing more lung cancer deaths.