mri claustrophobia

MRI Claustrophobia: How To Stay Calm During An MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI is an essential diagnostic imaging tool. The nature of this confined space, often causes people with claustrophobia to become extremely anxious during the procedure, which can affect results. In this article, we will discuss MRI claustrophobia and how to stay calm during an MRI.

Coping With Scanxiety: How To Prevent Claustrophobia

 “Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has an irrational feat of having no escape or being closed in.“ When a person experiences this they may also suffer a panic attack which results in accelerated heart rate, sweating, and nausea. Because so many patients suffer with intense scanxiety, we wanted to compile a list of helpful advice that has soothed our patients in the past. So, here are the top 9 tips our team suggests to calm your fears:

Fall In Love With MRI Through Cinemavision

MRI’s are an important imaging test that can be used for diagnostic purposes, but this scan can trigger scanxiety in patients. Whether it’s your first time or you suffer from claustrophobia, MRI’s can be intimidating. At Bay Imaging Consultants, patient comfort is our biggest priority when performing any medical test. To ensure our patients have the best imaging experience, we now offer Cinemavision to patients undergoing MRI procedures.