The History Of Radiology As Told By 6 Interesting Facts

Many of these perceptions about radiology that people have today come from the early history of radiology, when long exposure times and high radiation doses caused a bit of havoc — just until it all got settled down. Here are 6 interesting events in the history of radiology that brought us to where we are today. 

Imaging Quality 101: Why The Radiology Center You Choose Matters

Let’s put it this way: if a picture — or an image— is worth a thousand words, then our machines are basically encyclopedias. When you choose BICRAD, you’re choosing top of the line customer service, radiology, and imaging quality. If you’re in need of a trusted, sophisticated and technologically advanced outpatient imaging center, you can rely on our staff and equipment to provide you with unmatched care. Find out why here. 

Steps You Can Take To Prevent Traumatic Brain Injury In Your Children

Traumatic brain injuries from falls and car accidents are the leading cause of death and disability in American children and adolescents. Knowing how to identify these injuries and familiarizing yourself with the dangers and risk factors associated with them can ensure the safety and protection of the children in your life.

5 Injured NFL Players Who Needed A Little Imaging Love This Season

Injuries are part of the game, and in recent years they’ve become an all-too-common occurrence in the NFL, this is why Radiology technology plays a crucial role in diagnosing on and off the field injuries. As one of the largest group of radiology centers in the Tampa Bay area, and as die-hard football fans, Bay Imaging Consultants Medical Group wants to extend some love this Valentine’s Day to 5 injured NFL players who needed a little imaging care this season.

Heart Disease And The Importance Of Cardiac Rehabilitation

You love your family and friends, and you love being healthy as well, so take some time to care for your heart this Valentine’s Day. The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Association (AACVPA) celebrates the National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week, February 11th through the 17th. This observance week hopes to draw attention to the importance of cardiac rehabilitation and its role in preventing the potentially devastating effects of heart disease. Learn more about cardiac rehabilitation and how it can help you. 


Fight Back Against Osteoporosis: How To Strengthen Your Bones

With more than 3 million cases each year, osteoporosis is a major health concern as people age. This bone disease can cause loss of bone mass over time which can be detrimental to bone health. Fortunately, bone densitometry scans provide patients with information regarding their bone health and if they're at risk for a potential fracture. Let's take a closer look at everything you need to know about this disease.

4 Reasons Why December Is The Best Time To Schedule Your Imaging Procedure

Did you know that the holiday season is actually one of the best times to schedule your imaging procedure? Even with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, December is a great month to schedule that appointment you’ve been putting off all year for a number of reasons. Patients always look at us a little funny when we tell them that, but it’s true! Here’s why you should book your appointment at one of our convenient Bay Area locations in December.

5 Reasons Why A CalBears Athlete May Need An Imaging Test

As sponsors for CalAthletics, we understand the endurance required to be a student-athlete. Injuries are a part of the game, but they can also affect an athlete’s season and career when they happen. Fortunately, radiology can be used to diagnose these injuries while effectively treating them for faster recoveries and less time off for athletes. Here are a few common injuries that may require a CalBear athlete to undergo an imaging test.

Lung Cancer Screening: What you Need to Know

Many people may not be aware that lung cancer is the most deadly cancer, accounting for about 1 out of 4 cancer deaths. Low-dose CT scans are the best screening method for catching this cancer early and allowing time for successful treatment. Former smokers and other patients at risk for this cancer are encouraged to get screened and take advantage of the affordable options.  

Fall In Love With MRI Through Cinemavision

MRI’s are an important imaging test that can be used for diagnostic purposes, but this scan can trigger scanxiety in patients. Whether it’s your first time or you suffer from claustrophobia, MRI’s can be intimidating. At Bay Imaging Consultants, patient comfort is our biggest priority when performing any medical test. To ensure our patients have the best imaging experience, we now offer Cinemavision to patients undergoing MRI procedures.

Screening Tests Used For Diagnosing Prostate Cancer

As the second most common cancer in men, prostate cancer awareness is important. While this cancer is common in men, it’s usually successfully treated when detected early. Prostate screenings and biopsies are vital when diagnosing prostate cancer and monitoring treatment for diagnosed cases.  Since symptoms can be undetectable until later stages, knowing about what tests are available is the important first step to fighting prostate cancer.

What You’ll Need To Know About Contrast Agents

After being recommended a diagnostic imaging scan, you may start to research more about these scans. From MRI's to CT scan, these procedures are often simpler and a lot less scary than they may initially seem. When doing your research about a particular scan, you may discover that a certain scan uses contrast agents.

Musculoskeletal Disorders: Where Our Radiologists & Bay Area's Professional Athletes Meet

Where do professional athletes in the Bay Area turn for expert diagnosis and care? BICRAD. Our radiologists specializing in musculoskeletal radiology focus on patients' bones, joints, and muscles by interpreting images from MRI, CT and ultrasound exams. Musculoskeletal radiologists also perform diagnostic and therapeutic joint injection procedures. We've compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions to fully cover the musculoskeletal topic:

Radiology and Child Safety: Steps Professionals Take To Protect Your Child

Radiology is an invaluable tool in the diagnosis and treatment of many different injuries, diseases, and conditions; however, some people get nervous about radiology imaging tests because of the exposure to radiation. When a child suffers an injury and needs a CT scan or an MRI, parents may feel nervous. They rightfully do not want their children to suffer from radiation-related side effects, so let’s take a look at the safety measures that radiologists take to protect your children during imaging tests.

The Dynamic Duo: 3D Printing & Radiology

3D printing may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but it is being used in the real world to solve present day problems. Actually, 3D printing has been around since the 1980s and it has been used in the medical field since the early 2000s. In recent years, 3D printing aided surgeons in the separation of conjoined twins. Here's how 3D printing and radiology have combined forces to push innovations within the medical field:

ACR: Why You Should Go To Imaging Centers With The Golden Seal of Approval

Having accredited over 38,000 within 10 different modalities, the ACR strives to continually raise the bar when it comes to patients. In fact, the ACR cares so much about patients that it has an entire commission focused on providing quality patient experiences within imaging. So, what is ACR accreditation? 

10-Minute History of Radiology: Overview of Monumental Inventions

Radiology has more or less been a field of medicine since the late 19th century, which means that it is a relatively new field. Despite its young age, however, there have been many major technological advancements that have completely transformed what radiology looks like and how it is practiced. 

How To Prepare Your Child For An X-Ray

Typically, children feel unnerved when they're told they need to undergo a mysterious X-ray. So, what can you do as their parent? Here are some great tactics that are geared towards putting your child in the driver seat and not only educating them that x-rays don’t hurt. They also help children to understand that the worst of what to expect (you have to hold still when they tell you) and build their comfort level as an x-ray expert.